Elysian Enterprise
… But take into your wise Consideration, the great and growing Number of Batchelors in the Country, many of whom from the mean Fear of the Expences of a Family, have never sincerely and honourably courted a Woman in their Lives; and by their Manner of Living, leave unproduced (which is little better than Murder) Hundreds of their Posterity to the Thousandth Generation. Is not this a greater Offence against the Publick Good, than mine? Compel them, then, by Law, either to Marriage, or to pay double the Fine of Fornication every Year. What must poor young Women do, whom Custom have forbid to solicit the Men, and who cannot force themselves upon Husbands, when the Laws take no Care to provide them any; and yet severely punish them if they do their Duty without them; the Duty of the first and great Command of Nature, and of Nature’s God, Encrease and Multiply. A Duty, from the steady Performance of which, nothing has been able to deter me …
Duped by Nature
By Baltasar Gracian
Nature was crafty, and perhaps even dishonest, when she brought us into this world. She arranged for us to do so without knowledge and therefore without suspicion.
Science of Temple Gates
Custom Excerpt for Science of Temple Gate … end of Custom Excerpt
Elysian Enterprise
Our Books
Temple Gates, Benjamin Franklin’s Grandson is the first book in the Template Gates trilogy