Question for Jordan Peterson

… or anyone with an answer

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.

[1] – Friedrich Nietzsche

Dr. Peterson says life is tragedy, life is suffering. To answer Nietzsche’s why, Peterson says meaning and purpose are found in bearing as much responsibility (Nietzsche’s how) as you can to reduce suffering in this world—the why.


Question:  So, why bring children into this vale of tears?

One way of radically reducing suffering is to cease bringing human beings, predestinde to suffer, into this world.  So, Dr. Peterson, why bring children into this vale of tears?  How do we justify bringing children into a world of woe?


[1] Another translation: If you have your why for life, you can get by with almost any how. — Humanity does not strive for happiness; only the English do. — Twilight of the Idols, p.6. ISBN-13: 978-0872203549